superheroesincolor: The Avengers, Superhero Team Diversity, and…

Joseph Phillip Illidge is a public speaker on the subjects of race, comics, and the corporate politics of diversity. In addition to his coverage by the BBC and Publishers Weekly


The Avengers, Superhero Team Diversity, and the United Struggle

by Joseph Phillip Illidge

“…The 20th Century of the comic book industry and medium was dominated by heterosexual White men, with the women, people of color, and LGBT persons along the way who chipped away at the wall of monolithic art and mindset to pave the way for change. That list is too long to mention everyone here, and that’s a good thing.

This century, all of fifteen years old, the Mainstream American Superhero Comic Book Machine is at an all-time high in terms of the presence of women, people of color, LGBT people and disabled persons.And yet, the struggles continue. We fight, every week, with our actions and stories, in the physical world and online, in creative, business, and journalistic circles…”

Read the whole article at  comicbookresources

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