Sacred Six #4 (2020) // Dynamite Entertainment
“When an ages-old vampire conflict engulfs the rural Georgia towns of Ashethorn and Sacred, Dynamite’s devilish anti-hero Vampirella will enlist a team of fellow vampire vixens to investigate and intervene in a new spin-off series titled sacredsix, as announced at ComicsPRO.
Writer Christopher Priest, main series artist Gabriel Ibarra, and artist Jae Lee will assemble a team of six characters from around Vampirella’s mythos (with occasional appearances from Vampi herself), comprised of a newly revamped version of Pantha who is now a panther who can become a woman rather than vice versa; a new version of Draculina now named Victory; Nyx; Chastity of Chaos! Comics fame; Lilith of Drakulon; and a mysterious, unnamed sixth member.” - X
Story: Christopher Preist, art: Gabriel Ibarra, Jae Lee
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