komiolaf: After the nuclear pollution of the great war, the…


After the nuclear pollution of the great war, the atmosphere decayed to a point where life could no longer be sustained outdoors. We moved into concrete buildings and planted in our living spaces the few seeds that had survived. However, through technological meditation, images and dreams from the depths of our subconscious can be downloaded directly from our brains and manifested as physical projections of light on the surface of our concrete walls. We have believed the visitors from space will arrive at any time, ever since the voyageur transmitted evidence of extraterrestrial life in 2096.

when we grew tired of the strategic elimination of black youth by the police state, we cried to the heavens, and then she appeared from the sky, strong. Dressed in Gold and Ankara electrifying the sea, cradling the sparkling waters sprouting from the wisdom of our leaders who were assassinated, imprisoned and exiled. when we asked her who we were, she pointed us in the direction of the stars. we are stars emitting energy and light , rebuilding a civilization of love in our minds. 

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